Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fixing children

I want to share a brief experience I had the other day that left me feeling essentially elated over the fact that I will soon be able to practice medicine. 

The case was almost as straightforward a case as it gets - I won't include any details at all so it will be quite a vague recollection.  At any rate, a kid comes into the clinic not feeling well.  I took a thorough history, did a thorough exam, and everything was pretty unremarkable.  I selected a medicine that would treat the symptoms well and allow the child to recover essentially without intervention aside from some short term diet changes.  The kiddo had a very good response to the medicine, I monitored to make sure there were no side effects and that the medicine was indeed having the desired effect, and the child's persona changed on the spot.  It went from looking and feeling sick to looking like a normal little one and almost bouncing down the hall on the way out the door.  The turnaround was drastic, and gratifying. 

Family medicine definitely has its perks, and fixing children is a BIG one. 

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