Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Interesting experiences...

So today marks the first day that I have been lied to by a patient.  Short version: there was a car accident.  The patient denied using any "substances" prior to the incident.  Toxicology disagreed. 

I was notably chagrined to find out that I had not done my best to get an honest and complete history from the patient.  But I learned that there are situations that are not acceptable - having a patient's family in the room will not work.  I understand that in situations like today, it is not good medicine to have family in the room. 

And I have taken another step on the path to good judgment.  As they say, good judgment comes from experience, and experiences are gained by having bad judgment.  I deemed the patient a reliable source, and my poor judgment on that gave me some more good experience.  Experience I hope I won't soon forget. 

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